Digital Literacy 101 (Part II): Understanding Processes that can Strengthen Digital Literacy In...
A Renewed Pledge for #GoOpen
Open educational resources have garnered more attention during the pandemic as educators and...
AI and the Future of Teaching and Learning: Defining Artificial Intelligence
Key Points: Educational technology is evolving to include artificial intelligence. Artificial...
Using Genius Hour To Help Students Cultivate Their Passions And Transform Their World
The most powerful thing we can do as educators is to invite our students to explore....
Using Autocrat To Showcase Student Work
As a teacher, it's great to showcase student work, but it can be time-consuming to compile and...
You Can Do This! Transitioning To Remote Teaching & Learning
Are you feeling overwhelmed about transitioning your classroom into a remote learning environment?...
Tips And Tricks For Communicating With Parents And Students
During this time of remote learning, what are some best practices in the ways you communicate with...
Full-time virtual schools expand in Michigan
Most students are expected back in classrooms this fall, but the number of students learning via...
Blog Post with No Sidebar
This is an excerpt of the sample blog post provided with this Child Theme. You can change this on each post!
Blog Post with Left Sidebar
This is an excerpt of the sample blog post provided with this Child Theme. You can change this on each post!
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