dci blog

News, Articles, Tips and Educational insights.

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Top 10 Tips for Online Learning

Top 10 Tips for Online Learning

Study isn't just for the night before an assignment's due or the night before an exam. It's never too early – or too late – to develop good study habits. The sooner you get into a good study groove, the easier everything will be and the more your chances of getting...

Countdown to Online School Success

Countdown to Online School Success

The start of school is the most exciting time of the year for students!  Which is why we created this Countdown to School Success step-by-step guide through the typical school-year calendar, explaining how you can help your children at home, support them in the...

10 Tips to Successfully Complete Online Courses

10 Tips to Successfully Complete Online Courses

To help you get prepared, we’ve asked a few instructors to share their best advice. Here are our top ten tips for online success! “Go” to class. Treat your online class like a regular class. Schedule time for it on your calendar. Login on a regular basis. Take notes...

Back-to-School Tips

Back-to-School Tips

Summer is almost over, and it’s time for students around the nation to get back to school. Whether you or a loved one are going back to grade school, high school, or starting college, we know this is a pivotal, exciting, and maybe even overwhelming time of the year,...

Top tips for effective online learning

Top tips for effective online learning

How Can Parents Help Their Children Be Successful In An Online School Environment? Stick to the schedule - include free time, extra activities, work, etc. Write the schedule out so it is easier to follow. Dedicate a space for working on school and limit distractions....

What We Value and Teach

LIFE would not be life if we did not encounter problems along the way. We all have them and we all experience them. Most of the time our problems come about from the people we deal with because we engage with them through argument and opposition.